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An Treas Tarraing
[WWCB003]   -   4 in Stock
Meantime - An Treas Tarraing
Authentic Gaelic music and song. For their third album MeanTime have concentrated more on the Gaelic songs with fewer instrumental tracks. Most of the material is written by the lads themselves.

Disk 1 : Choisich Mi, Leathad Lithir, Cait an caidil an ribhinn a-nochd, Highland Schottische, Caismeachd Beinn Iomhair, Cunntas air do Bhoidhchead, Flight INV 2007, 6/8 Marches: The Sweet Maid of Mull - Dr.J.G.Hunter of Aultbea, Na Gaidheil am Basra, Cumha Bean an t-Saighdeir, Leanabh Oig, Tir Alainn, Broadford Bay: Ruby Wedding March - Posadh Cath & Maic - Broadford Bay, Cuimhnich Orm, Cille Mhoire


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